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Beginner’s Guide: Easy Steps to Create Your Google Ads Account

Are you eager to enhance your business strategy with Google Ads but feeling lost about how to get started? If you’re in search of a clear and user-friendly guide rather than sifting through intricate articles, then this is the one tailored just for you.

In this article, I’ll take you on an exciting journey, step by step, to create your very own Google Ads Account.  

How do you create a Google Ads Account?

To provide you with a clearer understanding of what’s to come, let’s begin by delving into Google Ads’ exact definition. According to Google, it is a versatile tool designed to empower your business. It serves multiple purposes such as promoting your products or services, boosting brand awareness, and driving traffic to your website. 

The real magic of Google Ads lies in its online management capabilities, granting you the freedom to create, tweak, and refine your advertising campaigns at your convenience. You have the flexibility to adjust your ad content, settings, and budget in accordance with your strategy whenever it best fits your needs. If you’d like to learn more about the benefits of Google Ads, or you can check out the article how to advertise business on Google.

Let’s get back to our main topic! The first and easiest step is opening a Google Ads Account. You can start with your personal Gmail account or create a new account for your business, depending on your needs.

My little tips: You can grant additional individuals access to your newly created Google Ads account by inviting them once you’ve set up your account and logged into Google Ads.

Setting up Google Ads: Easy Steps and Pro Tips

Step #1: Become an “expert” 

Now, access and click “Start now”.

click on "expert"

After you’ve initiated the process of creating your account, Google will ask about your main advertising goal with the question, “What is your primary advertising objective?”. Take your time before choosing a response. Instead, scroll down and choose the “Switch to Expert Mode” option.

Rest assured, there’s no need for concern if you assume that this mode is exclusively reserved for “professional marketers.” The purpose of this guide is to provide you with the knowledge and skills to create your Google Ads Account as a bona fide “expert.” 

Step #2: Set up the Campaign

To choose a suitable campaign, you first need to clearly define your desired objectives, as this information is essential for Google to suggest appropriate campaign types. 

In essence, Google Ads services encompass the following types of ads: 

types of google ads

Google Search Ads: These are the ads that pop up when people search for things on Google. If someone looks for something related to what you offer, your ad might show up. It’s like catching the attention of people actively looking for your products or services.

Google Shopping Ads: These are like online storefronts. When someone searches for a product, these ads display images, prices, and a brief description. Clicking on them usually takes shoppers directly to the seller’s online store, making them great for online shops.

Google Display Network: This one’s like spreading the word all over the internet. Your ads can show up on various websites and apps that are part of Google’s network. They can be in different formats, like images and text, and help you reach a wide audience beyond Google’s search results.

Video Ads: Ever seen ads before or during a YouTube video? Those are video ads. They’re a fun way to make more people aware of your brand. You can have ads that play before or during videos, or ones that show up next to search results and related videos.

Gmail Ads: These are like personalized emails, but from businesses. They appear in your Gmail inbox under “Social” or “Promotions.” When you click on them, it’s like opening a regular email, and you might find links to a website or eye-catching banners. They work great for reaching people who use Gmail for work and communication.

Maximize Performance Ads: They are goal-oriented campaigns in Google Ads that utilize your entire ad inventory across various Google platforms. 

You can enhance performance by optimizing conversions through real-time Smart Bidding and Google’s AI technologies, tailoring strategies to specific advertising goals like CPA or ROAS. The key benefit is achieving more and better-quality conversions across different Google channels.

Google App Ads (formerly Universal App Campaigns): It is a Google advertising service for promoting mobile apps. It’s automated, targeting users across Google platforms, and optimizing for app installs or specific in-app actions. You just provide input, and Google’s algorithms handle the rest, making it an efficient way to reach a broad audience and drive app engagement. If your product is a mobile app, this campaign will be the most suitable choice. 

Local Store Visits & Promotion: Put simply, this is a set of tools that helps attract more customers to your physical stores. It allows you to measure the impact of online ads on in-store visits and promote special deals to local customers through targeted advertising campaigns. It’s a valuable resource for looking to bridge the gap between your online advertising efforts and real-world foot traffic to stores.

And don’t forget to set a schedule for your ads.

You just need to click on setting, choose ad schedule and pick start – end dates. 

My little tips: Keep in mind that the schedule is set according to your account’s time zone by default. Therefore, if you’re targeting audiences in different time zones, you’ll have to make some adjustments.

Step #3: Set the budget (daily spending and bids)

Before you dive into choosing your advertising plan, it’s a good idea to have a rough budget in mind. But when you start your campaign, it’s essential to get more specific about your costs. Take a moment to think about whether you’re going with a CPC or CPA strategy.

Decide on the maximum amount you’re willing to spend in a week or a month. Then, spread that amount out evenly over each day to test for a short time. After this trial period, take a look at how your campaign is doing and see if your budget needs adjusting. The goal is to avoid spending too much or too little. It’s all about finding the right balance!

google ads budget

My little tips: Flexibility is your friend in PPC. Don’t be a penny pincher, but don’t go wild either. Google Ads budget report will be your trusty sidekick for tracking spending. 

Google takes care of your daily budget for you. Imagine you set a daily budget of $10. Some days, when your ads are doing great and getting lots of clicks and conversions, you might see your spending go up to around $14 – $16. On other days, it might drop to $6 – $8 to even out the monthly budget. So, don’t stress if your daily spending doesn’t always stick to the exact amount you originally planned. Google’s making sure you get the best results.

Now, let’s talk a bit about bid strategies. When it comes to Google Ads, you’ll have to decide between two options: Manual Bidding and Automated Bidding.

To put it in simple terms, Manual Bidding is like taking control of the wheel if you’re experienced with Google Ads. You set the cost you’re willing to pay for each keyword click.

On the other hand, Automated Bidding is more like letting Google handle things for you. They’ll automatically adjust the keyword costs based on the total budget you give them. It’s like having a helpful co-pilot manage the finances for you.

Step #4: Keywords are the “key” 

The next part of Google Ads is a big deal: it’s all about keywords. Keywords are the words and phrases people type into Google when they search. You bid on these keywords so your ads can pop up. There are some useful information for you:

Use keyword tools for planning: Get the lowdown on the best keywords, like using Google’s Keyword Planner or our Free Keyword Tool.

Go for keywords with clear intent: Think about terms like “cost” or “for sale.” If you’re all about local ads, consider location-based keywords like “top marketing agency”

Mix it up with other targeting options: Keywords are cool, but they’re not the whole story.

Don’t forget about your bidding strategy: Even if you don’t set a max bid for each keyword, your bidding strategy still plays a big role.

Keep your keyword list lean and mean: Don’t overstuff it with low-traffic variations. Stick to the ones that pack a punch.

They are all of my knowledge, so there are no “little tips” for this part. 

Step #5: Set the Keyword match types

“Keyword match type” in Google Ads is a way to fine-tune when and where your ad appears by specifying how closely search queries should match your chosen keywords. You can choose from 5 options: 

Broad Match: Your ad shows for searches with your keywords in any order and related terms. It is the default setting.

Broad Match Modifier: Specify words that must be present in a user’s search by adding a plus sign (+) before them. For example, you can set like: top + marketing + agency. 

Phrase Match: Your ad appears for searches containing your exact keyword or with words before or after it. Use quotation marks around keywords, like “marketing agency”.

Exact Match: Your ad only shows for the exact word or phrase you choose, enclosed in brackets, like [wool yarn].

Negative Match: Exclude undesirable words or phrases to avoid irrelevant traffic by using a minus sign (-) before the words you want to exclude, like -cheap, -bargain

My little tips: In fact, there’s no one-size-fits-all keyword match type in Google Ads. Let’s try until you see what works best. If you’re unsure, start with “phrase match” — it’s a good balance between reaching a wide audience and staying relevant.

Step #6: Create your ads

It’s your moment to shine! Let’s team up and incorporate your creative ideas into your ads content. There’s no universal ad that works for every product, so let’s highlight the product’s best features. I’ll share some helpful tips on creating ad content with you.

First – Always include a clear Call to Action (CTA) to guide your audience on what to do next, like “sign up today” or “call now” to boost conversions.

Second – Inject emotion into your marketing to stand out in search engine results (SERP) and find inspiration in our ad copy examples.

And third – Maintain a balanced approach. Your ads represent your brand, so don’t overload them with aggressive CTAs at the expense of your overall brand image.

Experiment with various ad types until you discover the right and most effective path. Don’t fret too much if the initial outcomes don’t align with your hopes. Success often hinges on your patience!

build your landing page

Step #7: Optimize your landing pages

One often overlooked aspect is improving landing pages. Since all advertisements lead to landing pages, you need to ensure that these pages are consistently attractive and engaging.

Pay attention to the page’s design because viewers rely on it to decide whether to stay on your page or not. Even an effective ad won’t yield results if viewers leave because your landing page is too dull.

My little tips: There are some important notes I think are useful for you.

  • Improve technical aspects: Speed up your page, make it work on all devices, and secure it.
  • Highlight your Call to Action (CTA): Ensure it’s clear, easy to find, and meets your visitors’ needs.
  • Use attractive designs, taking ideas from landing page examples.

Step #8: Tracking

Using conversion tracking is essential because it helps you figure out which keywords, ads, and campaigns are doing the best job in getting customers to take actions you want, like making a purchase or signing up. It also lets you understand if your advertising money is giving you good returns, so you can make smarter spending decisions. 

Plus, it allows you to use clever tools that automatically fine-tune your ad campaigns to meet your goals. Lastly, you can see how customers interact with your ads on one device or browser and then complete the action on another, which is super useful and can be found in the “All conversions” report.

Step #9: Bravo! You’re all set.

Creating a Google Ads account so easy, right?

Your ads are now poised to woo potential customers. Brace yourself for a parade of new orders !

Individuals vs. Agency Google Ads Account

What’s an Agency Google Ads Account?

It is like your headquarters for managing all your client accounts. It’s a single place where you can set permissions for each client, handle their accounts, see billing info, and keep track of your campaign results in real-time.

This is super convenient for agencies handling many client accounts. Instead of dealing with multiple logins and dashboards, the Google Ads Agency Account makes your work smoother and saves you time. You can manage multiple client accounts with just one login.

Agency Account benefits

Exclusive Tools and Features: With an agency account, you gain access to specialized tools and features that aren’t available with individual accounts. These resources are designed to make managing multiple client accounts more efficient and effective.

Streamlined Reporting: Agency accounts allow you to streamline reporting and analytics by consolidating data from all your client accounts in one place. This means you can easily track the performance of each account and gain insights into what’s working and what needs improvement.

Priority Technical Support: When you encounter technical issues or need assistance, having an agency account means you’re a priority for Google’s technical team. They will be more responsive in helping you resolve any problems, ensuring your campaigns run smoothly.

Effortless Campaign Management: Managing multiple campaigns and sub-accounts becomes a straightforward task with an agency account. You can efficiently set up and oversee various advertising efforts while keeping a close eye on key performance indicators. This simplifies the process of monitoring and optimizing your advertising campaigns.

My Conclusion 

However, it’s worth noting that registering and managing an Agency Google Ads Account can be quite costly and complex. Therefore, the most effective approach I can suggest is to consider engaging a professional agency to run your advertising campaigns for your business.

A top-tier agency in Cambodia, such as Influence, can provide you with Google Ads service optimized for maximum performance. Your campaign will be tailored to your budget, and your specific requirements will always be the top priority. This will save you a significant amount of time, as you won’t have to navigate through the intricacies of research, setup, tracking, and experimentation.

If you’re someone who enjoys hands-on experience, you can certainly try managing your own Google Ads account, as this article has provided detailed and beginner-friendly guidance. However, if you’re searching for further information as the price for a Google ads campaign, let’s explore my article about how much Google Ads cost.
