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Gathering feedbacks from your attendees with these killer event survey questions

Events are more than mere gatherings; they present opportunities to engage, inspire, and make a lasting impression. Capturing insightful feedback through strategic survey questions is crucial in ensuring that future events surpass expectations.

In this article, we delve into the significance of post-event evaluation in measuring satisfaction and provide a collection of impactful event survey questions designed to elicit actionable insights. Whether you are organizing a conference, workshop, trade show, or corporate event, mastering the art of crafting effective event surveys can enhance experiences and inform future strategies.

Event survey basics

What are event surveys?

Event surveys, also known as post-event questionnaires, are distributed to attendees following an event in order to collect their feedback and opinions. These surveys encompass a broad spectrum of topics, including the overall event experience, specific sessions or activities, the venue, the speakers, and more. Surveys can be conducted in different formats, such as paper-based forms, online surveys, or live polling during the event.

Importance of event surveys in gauging attendee satisfaction

  • Gathering feedback: Surveys offer a straightforward way for attendees to voice their opinions and sentiments regarding the event.
  • Informed decision-making: Utilizing insights from surveys empowers organizers to make informed decisions based on data for upcoming events.
  • Ongoing enhancement: By gauging attendee satisfaction, event strategies can be refined and overall experiences can be enhanced for continuous improvement.

Why do you need to gather attendees’ feedback?

Why do you need to gather attendees’ feedback

Collecting event feedback from attendees is a crucial step in enhancing future events, fostering attendee loyalty, increasing event value, and gaining insights for growth. It is essential to recognize the significance of each of these aspects.

Enhancing future events

Event feedback acts as a guide for event organizers to pinpoint successes and areas needing improvement. By grasping attendee experiences and preferences, organizers can make informed decisions to manage event budgeting and elevate event logistics, content, and overall delivery for future events.

Fostering attendee loyalty

Listening to attendees and taking action based on their feedback showcases a dedication to their satisfaction and enjoyment. When attendees feel acknowledged and appreciated, they are more inclined to attend future events and recommend them to others, nurturing lasting loyalty and involvement.

Boosting event impact

Feedback is crucial for understanding what resonates with attendees and where improvements can be made. By listening to feedback and focusing on what attendees value most, organizers can enhance the overall impact of their event. This allows for better resource allocation and ensures that the event delivers maximum value to participants.

Driving growth through insights

Analyzing event feedback surveys reveals trends, patterns, and opportunities for innovation. Organizers can leverage this data to adapt their event marketing, explore new markets, and introduce cutting-edge features that connect with attendees and drive sustained growth.

Collecting attendees’ feedback, however, was only a small significant part for the success of an event. If you are new to event planning and execution, please do not hesitate to contact the Influence Agency for a FREE expert consultation. We are an industry leader who has been providing event service to many important corporations in Cambodia. 

With our expertise, resources and experience, we guarantee you the most seamless coordination possible for your event planning, marketing, production, engagement, budgeting and more. 

Let us elevate your event to new heights and leave a lasting impact on all attendees.

Types of post event survey questions 

types of post event survey questions

There are several types of event survey questions that you can use to gather feedback from your attendees. 

  • Rating scale questions

Definition: Rating scale questions use a numerical scale (e.g., 1 to 5) to assess opinions or experiences.


“Please provide a rating of 1 to 5 to indicate your overall satisfaction with the event.”

“Can you provide your assessment on the relevance of the sessions? (1 = Not relevant at all, 5 = Extremely relevant)”

  • Open-ended questions

Definition: Open-ended questions allow respondents to provide detailed, unrestricted feedback in their own words.


“What was the highlight of the event for you?”

“Please provide any specific feedback on areas of improvement you recommend for future events.”

  • Multiple-choice questions

Definition: Multiple-choice questions offer predefined options for respondents to select from.


“Which speaker did you find most impactful?”

Option A: Speaker 1

Option B: Speaker 2

Option C: Speaker 3

“How did you hear about this event?”

Option A: Social media

Option B: Email newsletter

Option C: Word of mouth

  • Net Promoter Score (NPS) questions

Definition: NPS questions measure customer loyalty by asking respondents to rate their likelihood of recommending the event to others.


“On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend this event to others?”

0-6: Unlikely to recommend

7-8: Neutral

9-10: Highly likely to recommend

  • Demographic questions

Definition: Demographic inquiries aim to collect data on the profile of survey participants.


“What is your age group?”

“What industry do you work in?”

Top survey questions to ask your attendees

top survey questions

Events could be done both physical and online or event hybrid. Below are some of our carefully crafted questions to ask in your next event surveys.

Physical event survey questions

Overall experience

  • Please provide your assessment of the overall satisfaction with the physical event.
  • What aspects of the event did you find the most enjoyable?
  • In your opinion, did the physical event live up to your expectations? Kindly explain your reasoning.


  • How would you rate the venue facilities, including accessibility, amenities, and cleanliness?
  • Were the event timings convenient for you?
  • Did you encounter any difficulties during the registration or check-in process?

Content and presentations

  • Which sessions or workshops were particularly valuable to you?
  • Were the topics covered at the event relevant to your interests and professional needs?
  • Kindly share your thoughts on the quality of the speakers and presentations at the event.

Networking and engagement

  • Were there enough opportunities for you to network with fellow attendees?
  • Did the networking activities effectively encourage connections?
  • How would you evaluate the overall level of engagement at the event?

Future expectations

  • What improvements or changes would you like to see in future physical events?
  • Are there any particular topics or themes you would like us to prioritize in future events?
  • How probable is it that you will attend another physical event organized by us in the future?

Online event survey questions

Overall experience

  • Please indicate your level of satisfaction with the online event experience.
  • What aspects of the online event did you find most enjoyable?
  • In your opinion, did the online event meet your expectations? Kindly elaborate.

Platform and technology

  • How user-friendly was the virtual event platform?
  • Were you faced with any technical difficulties during the online event?
  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied were you with the audio and video quality of the online sessions?

Content and presentations

  • Which virtual sessions or webinars did you find the most engaging and informative?
  • Did you find the topics covered in the online event relevant and useful in your professional context?
  • Please rate the level of interaction and engagement during online sessions.

Networking and interactions

  • Were you able to engage with other participants or speakers during the online event?
  • How useful did you find the virtual networking tools such as chat rooms and breakout sessions?
  • Did you take part in any virtual social activities or discussions?

Future expectations

  • What enhancements would you recommend for upcoming online events?
  • Are there particular virtual event structures or functions you would prefer to have in future events?
  • How probable is it that you will attend another online event hosted by us?

Event surveying tools

Event survey tools are essential for effectively collecting feedback from attendees. From event registration to survey creation, distribution, and analysis, technological advancements have made many efficient and easy-to-use tools. Consider the following popular event survey platform for your next event:

  • Influence Booking

Influence Booking Platform, developed by Influence Agency, is an innovative event survey platform meticulously crafted to meet your unique business and event requirements. With a diverse range of features, our platform boasts modern user interfaces and cutting-edge functionality to streamline your survey processes effortlessly. 

Whether you are organizing a business conference or a social gathering, Influence Booking simplifies the process by effortlessly translating your survey data into actionable insights. With us, you can rest assured that every detail is taken care of, so you can focus on what truly matters.

  • SurveyMonkey

SurveyMonkey is an online survey platform with customizable templates for event feedback. Its user-friendly interface makes survey creation quick and easy, allowing organizers to collect real-time responses. SurveyMonkey also offers analytical tools to interpret survey data and create comprehensive reports.

  • Google Forms

Google Forms is a cost-free and user-friendly tool designed for crafting surveys and questionnaires. It empowers event planners to tailor forms with diverse question types and design choices. Responses are efficiently gathered and can be exported to Google Sheets for thorough analysis, which benefits Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) users for event organization a lot.

  • Typeform

Typeform presents an engaging approach to gathering feedback through interactive and conversational forms. Its user-friendly interface enables organizers to develop surveys that foster a more conversational environment, thereby boosting user participation. Typeform’s reporting capabilities offer clear visual representations of survey data, simplifying the process of extracting valuable insights.

  • SurveyGizmo

SurveyGizmo is an extensive survey software solution that caters to intricate survey needs, such as advanced logic and branching. This tool allows event organizers to design elaborate surveys tailored to specific attendee groups. SurveyGizmo also offers robust reporting features and seamless integrations with various event management platforms.

  • Eventbrite

Eventbrite, a widely-used event management platform, incorporates built-in survey functionalities for organizers. Attendees can easily provide feedback directly through the Eventbrite platform, simplifying the feedback collection process. Eventbrite’s survey tools are particularly convenient for events managed through their platform.

Analyzing the feedback

analyzing the feedback

After collecting responses from your event survey, the next essential step is to analyze the feedback effectively to uncover actionable insights. Here’s a guide to help you with this process.

Organize and sort responses

Firstly, organize the event feedback systematically. Group similar responses together based on themes like overall satisfaction, specific suggestions, logistical issues, and content preferences. Utilize spreadsheet software or survey analysis tools to streamline this process and ensure all responses are accurately recorded.

Detect trends and patterns

Once you have sorted the responses, look out for trends and patterns within the feedback. Pay close attention to recurring comments, common suggestions for improvement, and unanimous opinions on event specifics. Identifying these trends will help you prioritize areas that need immediate attention or further exploration.

Deriving actionable insights

Once you’ve pinpointed trends and patterns, pull out tangible insights from the feedback. Direct your attention towards feedback that can impact upcoming event planning and decision-making. Seek out detailed recommendations, helpful criticism, or fresh concepts that can elevate attendee happiness and event triumph.

By adhering to these guidelines, you can convert unprocessed survey data into valuable insights that push forward continuous enhancement and creativity in your event organization strategies. Proficient feedback examination empowers planners to make well-informed decisions, cater to attendee needs, and offer exceptional experiences during each event.

Implementing changes based on event feedback survey

Implementing changes

Following the compilation of valuable insights from your event survey, the next critical step involves effectively implementing changes that align with attendee feedback. Transitioning feedback into concrete action requires the following approach:

Prioritizing feedback

To begin, categorize feedback based on its potential impact and feasibility. Highlight key areas for improvement and pinpoint opportunities where changes can yield significant benefits in terms of attendee satisfaction and event experience enhancement.

Developing an action plan

Craft a comprehensive action plan that delineates specific steps to address the feedback received. Delegate responsibilities to team members, establish clear timelines for implementation, and allocate resources accordingly. To facilitate progress and ensure accountability, break down substantial tasks into smaller, manageable action items.

Keeping attendees informed of updates

It is important to keep attendees updated on any changes and enhancements that are being implemented based on their feedback. Utilize email newsletters, social media posts, or event websites to communicate upcoming improvements and showcase our dedication to enhancing future events in alignment with attendee input.


In event planning, receiving feedback from attendees is essential for enhancing future events and guaranteeing a positive experience for all. Utilizing conference survey questions is one of the most efficient methods to gather this feedback. By posing the appropriate questions, you can acquire valuable insights on successes, areas for improvement, and future desires of attendees.

Sreytoch BRAK
Sreytoch BRAK