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How to advertise on Twitter (X) – expand your business on Twitter

With 330 million active users, Twitter is a dynamic landscape for businesses looking to instantly connect with their target audience. This guide unlocks the secrets of effective Twitter advertising, demonstrating how to create campaigns that capture attention, increase engagement, and meet your marketing objectives. 

We’ll walk you through everything, from setting up your Twitter Ads account to designing tweets that resonate and fine-tuning your campaigns for maximum impact. 

Whether you’re a marketing pro or just starting, this guide equips you with the knowledge and practical tips to master Twitter advertising and connect with your target audience meaningfully. So, buckle up and get ready to launch your Twitter advertising adventure!

5 steps Twitter advertising guide

Before getting started, let’s get to know what Twitter ads are. Twitter ads are the advertising solutions offered by X (formally Twitter). These marketing tools enable companies and individuals to use Twitter to reach a specific audience with their messages, goods, or services. In the following section, we will walk you through five simple steps to advertise on Twitter. 

Step 1. Choose a campaign objective

Twitter objectives

To start advertising on Twitter, you will need to create a campaign. Twitter offers several options for users to choose from, such as

  • Reach: maximize the number of users who see your tweets. This option is great for new business accounts that just started to advertise on Twitter.  
  • Engagements: increase the interactions with your tweets, such as likes, retweets, replies, and link clicks. 
  • Followers: grow your follower base and increase your overall reach.
  • Website traffic: drive traffic to your website or specific landing pages.
  • Keywords: reach users with high intent.

Step 2. Set up your ad

Set up your twitter ads

After choosing your campaign objective in the previous step, you are required to add text to your advertisement. Twitter only allows 280 characters for the ad text. So, you should keep your ad text concise and engaging to effectively communicate your message to the audience within the character limit. 

Then, you will need to add media to show what you are trying to advertise. The media will capture the attention of users and encourage them to stop scrolling and look at your ad. After you add the media, it will look something like this. 

Step 3. Customize your ad delivery 

Customize your twitter ads

After creating your ad, you will move on to the next step, which is Customize Delivery. In this step, you will narrow down your total audience to reach the right group of audiences that will interact with your ads.  

In the demographic section, you can narrow down your audience based on their gender, age, and location(s). Recently, Twitter added a new feature where you can also select a specific location based on your location radius to reach even deeper into your targeted audience group. 

In addition to the demographic section, Twitter provides optional targeting features where you can target your audience based on keywords they use, followers of similar accounts, and their devices. 

Twitter only charges you according to the amount you are willing to pay. So, you can set a budget that fits your needs and a date range to take more control of your spending. 

Step 4. Choose your ad placement

Twitter ads placement

Twitter also lets you select your ad placements to attract more attention. The ad placements range from home timelines, profiles, search results, and replies. The more ad placements you select, the greater your potential reach. 

  • Home timelines: If an advertiser promotes a post that is relevant to that person, your campaigns may appear on that person’s timeline.
  • Search results: Your campaigns will appear at the top of some search results pages and through selected ecosystem partners.
  • Profile: You might be able to serve your impression to someone you target when they visit a Twitter profile or post detailed pages.

Step 5. Launch your campaign on Twitter

Now, we have reached the final step of creating your campaign, which is the launch. After you complete all the previous steps, you just need to click “Launch Campaign” and that’s it! 

Fantastic news! Entrust your campaign to Influence Agency, the top #1 marketing agency in Cambodia, and you can sit back and unwind while we take care of all the setup work.

With a team of experts in Twitter strategy advertising, our agency is well-equipped to assist clients in creating and maintaining a powerful brand presence on this vibrant platform. Allow us to introduce you to the amazing opportunities Twitter provides, enabling you to grow your brand to new heights. Learn more about our Twitter ad services here.

What are you waiting for? Contact Influence Agency today and let us work our social media marketing magic to elevate your business.

Email:[email protected] 

Phone: (+855) 70 294 888

Benefits of Twitter ads for business

After reading half of our article, I am sure you got a grasp of how to set up your Twitter ads. But you might wonder, Why should you advertise your business on Twitter platform? Tag along as I show you how Twitter ads can help grow your business. 

  • Twitter targeted advertising: By allowing companies to target audiences and customize their messages, Twitter maximizes the impact of their advertising.
  • Cost-effective marketing and promotion: Twitter allows businesses to customize their ads based on their budget and objectives to fit their business needs. 
  • Global reach with Twitter ads: Businesses can expand their audience beyond their existing followers.
  • Mobile-friendly advertising: Twitter ads are made to be mobile-friendly, allowing companies to efficiently reach customers on smartphones and tablets, wherever they are.
  • Boosting engagement with Twitter ads: Twitter lets you bring real-time engagement to your ads through promoted tweets. 

Learn more about the benefits of Twitter ads here. 

In summary

whether you are a seasoned marketer or just starting, this guide equips you with the knowledge to master Twitter advertising. We are confident that you can create powerful tweets to effectively promote your business using our step-by-step guide to advertising on Twitter. Contact Influence Agency, Cambodia’s leading marketing agency, and let us handle the setup while you enjoy the wonders of social media marketing. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How many types of Twitter ads are there?

Twitter offers a diverse range of advertising options, ranging from a straightforward promoted tweet to a comprehensive Twitter takeover. Here are some of the options available:

  • Promoted tweets
  • Twitter Amplify
  • Dynamic product ads
  • Twitter takeover

Learn more about types of Twitter ads here. 

How much does it cost to advertise on Twitter?

Twitter (X) does not set a minimum spend for using its ad services. Twitter allows you to spend only within your specified budget. However, the prices will be influenced by several factors, such as targeting specificity, ad objectives, and market demand and trends.

The table below shows how Twitter will charge you based on the goal of your ad objectives.


You pay per
ReachThousand impressions (CPM)
Video viewsView
Pre-roll viewsView
App installsImpression or click
Website trafficClick
App re-engagementsClick