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Google Remarketing 101: A beginner’s guide for advertisers

Have you ever experienced visiting a website, and the next day, while casually browsing online, you saw ads for the website you were previously looking at? 

Or have you added items to your online shopping cart, decided not to buy them, and then noticed those exact products in ads on other websites?

If you’ve experienced this, you’re a retargeted customer.

But what is remarketing? And why is Google Remarketing, one of the types of Google advertising, the most preferred choice for advertisers?

In this blog, Influence will explain these concepts in a simple way to help you understand the world of online advertising.

Definition of Google Remarketing

First, it’s important to understand why “remarketing” is used in advertising.

Remarketing is a very common digital marketing method. It allows you to show ads to people who have visited your website before, even if they didn’t take any specific actions on your site. 

You can use remarketing to remind them about your products or services. These reminders can appear on social media, search engines, or in their email.

Google remarketing – one of the types of remarketing, works the same way, but it is running through Google or third parties that partner with Google.

To gain a deeper understanding of Google remarketing, Influence will explain the various types of Google remarketing ads and how they work. 

Examples of Google remarketing ads

Google Ad Services has three main types of Google Remarketing:

  • Google Standard Remarketing
  • Google  Dynamic Remarketing
  • Google Smart Dynamic Remarketing

Discover these options in-depth and determine which one is the best fit for your business.

Google Ads Standard Remarketing.

Google ads standard remarketing is a basic remarketing strategy. It will allow you to show general ads to people who have previously visited your website just by installing the Google remarketing tags on your website. 

However, google ads standard may not reach the relevant audience.  For example, if someone browsed various product categories on your site, they might see a generic ad that doesn’t reference specific products they viewed.

So, It is best suited for businesses with a broad product range or those looking to re-engage visitors with generic messaging.

If you are a business that wants to reach a targeted audience more precisely, you should consider Google dynamic remarketing, which offers a higher level of personalization and ad content.

Google Dynamic Remarketing.

Dynamic remarketing, on the other hand, enables you to display highly personalized ads to users based on their specific interactions with your website.

Ad content is tailored to the individual visitor. For instance, if someone views a specific product on your site, dynamic remarketing can show them an ad featuring that exact product.

It is particularly effective for e-commerce businesses or companies with a wide range of products because it allows for highly targeted and relevant ad content.

In summary, the difference between Google standards and Google remarketing is that standard remarketing uses more general ads, while dynamic remarketing offers a more personalized and tailored advertising experience based on users’ past interactions with your website. 

The choice between the two depends on your marketing objectives and the level of personalization you want to achieve.

Smart Dynamic Remarketing on Google Ads

Smart dynamic remarketing is the next-gen advanced, automated version of dynamic remarketing that allows you to retarget the audience based on their micro-behavior on the website.

It leverages Google’s machine learning and automation to generate and optimize ads for you. 

With Smart Dynamic Remarketing, Google takes care of the ad creation process based on your product feed and user behavior data, and it targets the most relevant audience segments for you.

Now, with Smart Dynamic Remarketing, you don’t need to create ad templates or set up audience segments yourself. Google’s automated system takes care of it.

In essence, Google Ads Dynamic Remarketing gives you more control and customization, while Smart Dynamic Remarketing is a more automated, simplified approach where Google does much of the work for you. 

3 Different Types of Google Remarketing Campaigns

If you understand how each type of Google remarketing works, you’ll discover four types of Google remarketing campaigns that can enhance your remarketing strategies on Google Ads:

  • Search Retargeting campaigns
  • Display Retargeting campaigns
  • App Retargeting campaigns

Google Search Remarketing Campaigns (RLSA):

google search remarketing

Search remarketing campaigns, also known as RLSA (Remarketing list for search ads) campaigns, are the fundamental ad campaigns that many brands use.

RLSA campaigns on Google Ads target ads to users who have previously visited your website and are now conducting searches on Google. It’s like reminding them about your products or services when they’re actively looking for something similar using:

  • Exact Match
  • Phrase Match
  • Broad Match

Exact Match:

With Exact Match, your ad will appear when someone’s search query exactly matches the keyword you’ve specified, without any additional words before or after it.

Example: If your keyword is “red shoes,” your ad will show for searches like “red shoes” but not for “cheap red shoes” or “buy red shoes online.”

Phrase Match:

With Phrase Match, your ad will appear when someone’s search query contains your specified keyword as a phrase, but it may include other words before or after it.

Example: If your keyword is “red shoes,” your ad will show for searches like “buy red shoes” and “red shoes for sale,” but not for unrelated queries like “blue shoes.”

Broad Match:

Broad Match is very flexible. Your ad shows up for lots of related searches, even if they’re not exactly the same as your keyword. This includes similar words and phrases.

Example: If your keyword is “red shoes,” your ad might appear for searches like “footwear in red,” “shoes for women,” and other related queries.

It’s important to choose the right match type based on your advertising goals and budget. 

Exact Match provides the highest level of control and relevance, while Broad Match offers more reach but may lead to less precise targeting. Phrase Match falls in between, offering a balance between control and reach.

Google Display Remarketing:

Search Remarketing is more about targeting users who are actively searching on search engines, while Display Remarketing is focused on re-engaging users who have previously visited your website by displaying on websites.

It leverages the vast Google Display Network, which includes a multitude of websites, apps, and platforms where advertisers can display visual ads to a broad audience.

This network encompasses over 2 million Google partner websites, such as Blogger, Gmail, YouTube, and AdMob.

App Remarketing Campaigns on Google Ads:

App Remarketing Campaigns on Google Ads are advertising campaigns specifically designed to re-engage users who have previously interacted with your mobile app. 

These campaigns focus on users who have installed your app but might not be actively using it or haven’t taken specific actions within the app. Your ads can appear across the Play Store, Google Display Network, YouTube, Search, Discover, and within apps that host app advertisements.

Here’s how App Remarketing Campaigns work:

  1. A user downloads and installs your mobile app.
  2. You track the user’s interactions and behavior within the app, such as the screens they visit, the features they use, or whether they make in-app purchases.
  3. Later, when these users are online and using other apps or browsing the web, you can show them targeted ads that encourage them to open and engage with your app again.

How Does Google Remarketing Work?

Google Remarketing works by Google collecting data about the user’s interactions and behavior. This data includes the pages they visited, the products they viewed, how long they stayed on your site, and whether they completed specific actions, such as filling out a form.

Based on the collected data, you can create remarketing lists. These lists categorize users into specific groups, enabling you to target them with tailored ads. You then create ad campaigns specifically designed for these remarketing lists.

For example, you can choose to show ads to users who visited specific product pages on your website or those who abandoned their shopping carts without making a purchase. 

You can also tailor your ads to match users’ interests, ensuring they see content relevant to their previous interactions with your site.

When website visitors leave your site, these tags go to work. They silently track these visitors as they continue to explore the internet. 

If a tracked visitor lands on a site within the Google Display Network or engages with Google platforms like YouTube, your Google Remarketing ads can reappear. 

In this way, Google Remarketing helps keep your brand, products, and services top-of-mind for your potential customers, reminding them of what they’ve shown interest in.

How to set up Google Remarketing?

To begin using Google Remarketing, you’ll first need to establish an online advertising presence and set up a Google Ads account. After creating your ad, you’ll need to attach a tag to it.

These tags contain remarketing code, which can be customized to target specific items or align with your marketing priorities.

How Much Does Google Remarketing Cost?

On average, CPC for Google Remarketing campaigns can range from $0.25 to $2. However, costs can vary significantly based on the factors mentioned earlier, such as competition, industry, and ad quality.

Keep in mind that these are approximate figures, Google Remarketing offers flexibility in setting your budget, so you have control over how much you spend. 

It’s essential to monitor your campaigns regularly, adjust settings as needed, and focus on creating compelling ads to maximize the effectiveness of your remarketing efforts.

Top 5 benefits of Google Remarketing

Google isn’t the only one doing remarketing; there are significant competitors, such as Facebook, offering similar services. 

But what sets Google Remarketing apart from Facebook Remarketing, and what are respective Google Remarketing advantages? Let’s find out.

A wide reach

If social platforms remarketing, such as Facebook, it just works on their platform. so this means they can not reach their audience if users are not on their platform.

Google Remarketing is different; it can display ads not only on Google-owned platforms but also across a vast network of websites that are part of the Google Display Network or Google partner (more than 2 million websites)

This broader reach means your ads can potentially reach a larger and more diverse audience beyond social platforms remarketing.

Easy to customize

Using Google Remarketing, you have the power to tailor your campaign for precise audience targeting. 

Leveraging the Google Display Network, you gain even greater flexibility in customizing your remarketing campaign. 

For example, if your potential customer who left items in their cart is eyeing sports shoes, you can display remarketing ads on platforms and websites focused on sports or well-known e-commerce sites specializing in sports shoes.

Your customization options aren’t limited to demographics; you can also personalize based on:

  • Various devices
  • Mobile applications
  • Whole countries or specific geographic areas
  • Location terms from Google searches
  • Languages

Building brand recognition

Using remarketing helps enhance brand recognition and makes it easier for people to notice your brand.

With each repeated exposure, your brand name, logo, and the products you offer become more familiar to this potential customer. The repeated encounters create a sense of connection and trust.

As a result, they’re more likely to link your brand with what they need or want. When they think about their requirements, your brand will likely be the first one that pops into their minds. 

However, please note that Advertising is just one part of the puzzle for building brand recognition. 

To make your brand truly memorable, you need more than ads – a consistent brand identity, engaging content, and an active online presence.

At Influence Media, we’re Cambodia’s top marketing agency, and we know how to put all these pieces together. If you’re ready to build a strong brand, reach out to us – the number one choice in Cambodia for marketing expertise.

Customize your ads to your brand guidelines.

Customize your ads in line with your brand guidelines. With Google Remarketing, you have the flexibility to select the most appropriate images and content for your advertisements.

This means you have the ability to create ads that fit with your brand’s unique voice and image, ensuring a consistent and recognizable presence in the eyes of your audience.

If you’re not a professional designer, there’s no need to worry; Google Remarketing’s tool is very user-friendly. You can:

  • Pick the design, colors, and content of your ads.
  • Use your pictures, or go for free stock photos.

This is useful when you send many messages to one person and want to avoid them seeing lots of different versions of the same ad.

Increase conversions

Certainly! Google remarketing can help increase conversions by targeting users who have already shown interest in your products or services but didn’t complete a desired action, such as making a purchase.

By displaying your ads to these users as they browse the internet, you provide repeated exposure to your brand and products, keeping your brand fresh in their minds.

For example, you run an online fashion store, and a user visits your website, browses through various products, adds a few items to their cart, but then leaves without completing the purchase. 

With Google remarketing, you can create a campaign that specifically targets this group of “cart abandoners.” You show them ads featuring the products they added to their cart, perhaps with a discount or a limited-time offer.

The result? This user, who was just moments away from making a purchase, now sees your ad on a news website they visit. 

They click the ad, return to your website, and this time, they complete the purchase. Your remarketing campaign successfully converted a potential customer into a paying one.

By staying top-of-mind, remarketing increases the chances of conversions, as users are more likely to act on a familiar and enticing offer.


Google Remarketing Vs. Google Retargeting

In Google Ads, they refer to the same concept. There is no difference between Google Remarketing and Google Retargeting. You can use them interchangeably.

However, in the broader field of advertising, remarketing and retargeting are distinct strategies.

Retargeting involves reaching visitors through third-party networks using display ads, while remarketing refers to reaching out to visitors via email. To run a successful remarketing campaign, you’ll need access to your visitors’ email addresses, a requirement that doesn’t apply to retargeting campaigns.
