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A Guide to SGE – Google Search Generative Experience

In today’s digital age, many technologies use AI in their product, and Google is no exception. Have you ever thought about how AI could change your search engine experience? 

Revealed during Google’s I/O developer conference on May 10, 2023, SGE (Search Engine Enhancement) strives to transform Google’s search results from traditional ten blue links to a more interactive and contextual format, offering direct conversational answers on the search results page. 

Although still in beta testing, the upcoming Google SGE is poised to revolutionize the search game. In this blog post, we, at Influence, will explore what we currently know about Google’s AI-powered search and delve into how SGE could potentially transform the search experience and impact SEO.

Understanding Google SGE: What is Google SGE? 

Google SGE stands for Google Search Generative Experience, signifying a more profound integration of AI into the search engine experience. 

The objective is to leverage AI capabilities for delivering enhanced, conversational outcomes directly on Google’s search engine results pages. SGE incorporates a robust language model known as PaLM 2 to achieve this. 

Google’s AI search engine is trained extensively with diverse datasets, allowing it to generate responses to queries rather than merely retrieving indexed pages. 

While the traditional Google search functionality remains unchanged, SGE enhances the results by incorporating AI-generated responses, making them more relevant and intuitive.

The Search Generative Experience is presently in limited preview mode, exclusively accessible to a specific US, India, and Japan user base, with functionality limited to English, Hindi, and Japanese.

However, in the latest update, Google announced the expansion of SGE’s experiment to encompass 120 more countries. Language options have also been extended to include Spanish, Portuguese, Korean, and Indonesian.

In this rapidly evolving landscape of search technology, staying ahead in search engine rankings is more critical than ever. Influence Agency specializes in SEO services that are meticulously designed to enhance your digital presence and drive sustained organic traffic. Our expertise in SEO not only helps you adapt to changes like those introduced by Google SGE but also ensures your website remains prominent in traditional search results.

By understanding the latest advancements and integrating strategic SEO practices, Influence Agency ensures your business gains maximum visibility and engagement. Contact us to find out how our SEO strategies can elevate your online presence in this new era of search technology.

Exploring the upcoming SGE – AI search engine through the Search Labs experience.

The Search Labs program is expanding its availability to individuals in 120 additional countries. 

This program allows users to test early-stage search projects before their broader release. Initially launched in May 2023 for testers in the United States, it allows users to shape the future of Google AI Search.

Feel free to experiment with fresh and inventive search methods on Chrome for your computer or the Google App on iOS and Android devices. Once accepted from the waitlist, clicking the Search Labs icon allows you to explore and toggle various experiments on or off.

How to Use Search Labs:

Join the Waitlist:

  • Use Chrome on your computer or mobile to access Search Labs.
  • Keep an eye on the waitlist; slots can open up quickly.

Acceptance and Activation:

  • Once you’re accepted, go to
  • Turn on Search Generative Experience (SGE) to activate it.

Ask Questions:

  • Ask SGE normal questions to see how it responds with AI-generated answers, explanations, and multimedia. Please note that SGE currently works with English, Hindi, Japanese, Spanish, Portuguese, Korean, and Indonesian.

Give Feedback:

  • Share your thoughts using the feedback prompts.
  • Your feedback helps Google improve Search Labs before making it available to more people.

By joining, you gain early access to test and explore new features and capabilities before their widespread release. Additionally, you play a crucial role in developing upcoming search projects by providing valuable feedback and insights.

When will the Google SGE launch?

An official launch date has not been announced yet, as the feature is still in beta testing. However, insights from Barry Schwartz suggest that the Search Generative Experience (SGE) experiment could potentially conclude by December 2023.

How does SGE work and change the search experience?

In the traditional search approach, you’d typically have to break down your queries into specific questions to gather information on a topic, like:

What is the best present for a girlfriend on her birthday?

What color presents do girlfriends like?

However, Google’s SGE changed the game. You can present a more general, conversational inquiry and receive a comprehensive response.

 For instance, you could ask, What should I give and which color should I choose for my girlfriend’s birthday?” SGE doesn’t just show you websites—it gives you a customized answer by using information from different places to cover everything you asked about.

SGE wants to make searching easier. Instead of asking many questions, you can now ask one broad question, and SGE will try to give you a complete answer. It uses AI to summarize information and make recommendations for open-ended questions.

Here’s what I observed during my firsthand use of Google’s SGE:

Creating smart AI snippets

SGE, or Google’s Search Generative Experience, makes search more interactive by creating smart AI snippets. These snippets aim to give you direct answers to your questions and links to the sources.

Appearance of the snippets 

The appearance of the snippets changes based on your question, using things like different backgrounds, photos, product images, maps, quotes, and more. Answers can be in paragraphs or bullet points, and you can also ask follow-up questions.

The way AI responds visually depends on the type of question:

  • For general questions, you get a better-looking snippet with more details.
  • You’ll see summaries that look like local packs if you search for local stuff.
  • When you’re shopping, the results include selected items in a format like a shopping carousel.

No matter the style, these AI snippets and carousels occupy much space on your screen. This means regular text links, especially on phones, are pushed down. The focus shifts from clicking blue links to chatting directly with the AI assistant.

Not every search triggers automatic responses.


It’s important to note that AI responses aren’t automatic for all searches; sometimes, you might need to click “Generate.” SGE avoids specific topics like news, events, and sensitive questions, but it’s not perfect and might make mistakes.

  • Searches where you’re trying to go to a specific website (like Facebook or Amazon), though there might be exceptions.
  • Quick answers for things like weather or song lyrics.
  • Topics that are sensitive or controversial, like those related to gender, race, religion, or trauma. However, not all controversial subjects are blocked.
  • Breaking news or current events.
  • Looking for recipes.
  • Searches with explicit adult content or inappropriate keywords.
  • Many “Your Money or Your Life” (YMYL) queries, like financial, medical, and legal advice. Sometimes, SGE might provide information with a disclaimer that it’s not professional advice.

For some topics and questions, SGE might not give a direct answer. Instead, it suggests looking for answers elsewhere.

Google’s SGE search prototype shows different messages when it doesn’t provide AI-generated snippets. Let’s break them down:

  • Message 1: “Get an AI-powered overview of this search”

SGE can make AI summaries, primarily for navigation or news searches, but it usually doesn’t do this automatically. Users can ask for these summaries if they want.

  • Message 2 “An AI-powered overview is not available for this search”

SGE avoids creating AI summaries for sensitive or controversial topics. Instead, it shows regular web results.

  • Message 3″Here are some results”

SGE goes into a restricted mode for explicit or adult queries and doesn’t generate AI summaries.

  • Message 4″No AI overview is available”:

If SGE’s AI starts making a summary but finds the content objectionable or lacks enough information, it puts this message instead.

SGE Priority

  • When choosing snippets, SGE prioritizes accurate information over popularity. Other features on the search results page, like ads and “people also ask” boxes, are still separate.

But, some SEO experts think Google might eventually eliminate featured snippets, local packs, and other similar parts of the search page. The AI responses already cover the same information, so these other elements might not be needed.

Yet, Google hasn’t confirmed if or when they’ll simplify the search results page by removing certain features to focus on the new AI component. The chatbot responses seem to work together with the usual page features. We’ll have to wait and see how Google balances the new AI features with the regular search page elements as they continue improving their search technology.

Types of AI Snippets in Search Generative Experience (SGE)

Common Information Queries


When you ask general questions, SGE creates a friendly snippet summarizing the answer. It includes 3-5 links to websites where the information comes from, along with quotes and images.

For example, if you ask, “What are the benefits of SEO?” SGE might show a snippet with a brief answer, links to health websites, and images of people exercising.

You can also continue the conversation by asking more questions without doing new searches. You can then ask follow-up questions for a more comprehensive understanding.

List-Format Information Queries


For specific questions, SGE creates a helpful list of solutions or steps. Each item in the list has a short description to make things clear. Sometimes, there’s also a quick summary paragraph before the list.

For example, if you ask, “Ways to reduce stress,” SGE might show a list with items like “Practice deep breathing,” “Take a walk,” and “Listen to music.” Each item has a short description to give you quick tips.

These lists can also include maps for location-related questions. SGE puts together advice in an easy-to-read listicle format, making it simple to understand based on what you’re looking for.

Local Search

When you’re looking for something nearby, like a restaurant or store, SGE shows a local pack with more options. Instead of three, it can display up to five relevant local businesses.

if you ask, “Coffee shops near me,” SGE might list five local coffee places. Each listing includes essential details like photos, maps, reviews, and contact information. The AI gathers the most helpful info to help you find what you need in your area.

Shopping Searches


When you’re looking to buy something, SGE is there to assist! If you use words related to shopping, SGE suggests products you might like. These suggestions show many details like the product, pictures, how much it costs, who’s selling it, and what others think in reviews.

Imagine you’re searching for “running shoes.” SGE might then show a running shoe list with all the necessary details, like pictures, prices, and reviews.

It shows these suggestions like flipping through a shopping carousel, making exploring and finding what you’re looking for simple. SGE gets this information from the Merchant Center to give you more product details. It’s like having a personal shopping assistant, helping you discover items based on your search.

Challenges and Considerations in the Beta Version of SGE

While SGE holds tremendous promise, it’s essential to understand its workings. If you’re using the beta version of SGE, you might face issues like getting incorrect information from AI, lack of attribution, or misunderstandings of what you’re looking for. These are areas that Google is working on improving.

  • Attribution Uncertainty:

SGE responses may not consistently attribute information to its original source, creating ambiguity about the source of the provided information.

  • Absence of Clickable Links to Referenced Sites:

SGE lacks clickable links when mentioning websites, products, or services, leading to a suboptimal user experience and impacting the referral traffic for the mentioned sites.

Inaccuracy and Confusion:

Sometimes, SGE may provide inaccurate, irrelevant, or confusing information, showcasing challenges in ensuring precise responses.

  • Handling Sensitive Topics:

SGE has occasionally offered advice on sensitive topics it should avoid, underscoring challenges in appropriately addressing certain subject matters.

Google recognizes these challenges and the experimental nature of the SGE beta version. Ongoing efforts aim to improve attribution, relevance, accuracy, and sensitivity handling. 

While the beta version has limitations, continual enhancements are anticipated based on feedback from website owners and SEOs. The evolution of SGE remains dynamic as Google refines its AI models.

How does SGE impact SEO?

The websites linked and cited in SGE’s AI-generated snippets often differ from the top-ranking search results. Here are additional user observations:

  • SGE extracts data from lower-ranking sites, smaller publishers, and sometimes questionable sources.
  • Ranking algorithms for standard search and SGE source selection appear distinct.
  • Google might prioritize how trustworthy the person who created the content is rather than how authoritative the website is.
  • SGE focuses on specific angles and details in responses. Aligning content with these angles may increase the chances of being linked.
  • Passages cited match the unique focus of AI snippets. Optimizing content to align with SGE’s angles may enhance inclusion.

Here are some advice and strategies for SEO to adapt to Search Generative Experience (SGE):

  • Understand SGE’s Unique Focus:

Study the specific angles and details that SGE emphasizes in its responses. Align your content to match these focal points to increase the likelihood of being included in AI-generated summaries.

  • Optimize for Conversational Keywords:

Focus on using conversational and long-tail keywords in your content. SGE is geared towards providing conversational responses, so tailoring your content to match this style can enhance visibility.

  • Prioritize Authoritative and Comprehensive Content:

Google’s AI may favor content that meets high standards of Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (E-E-A-T). Ensure your content is well-researched, credible, and comprehensive.

  • Deep Coverage of Specific Topics:

You may be advantageous if your site provides in-depth coverage of specific topics. SGE prefers detailed, context-rich information, making comprehensive content more appealing.

  • Adapt to Mobile Dominance:

Anticipate that on mobile devices, AI-generated responses may take up more screen space. Consider optimizing your content for mobile users, and be aware that this could impact organic traffic for traditional links.

  • Monitor and Adjust Content Strategy:

Regularly monitor how SGE responds to different queries and adjust your content strategy accordingly. Understanding which websites get linked for various queries can guide your content creation efforts.

  • Ensure Attribution and Source Credibility:

Work on clearly attributing statements to original sources in your content. Google values author and creator credibility, so building a solid reputation in your field can positively impact your visibility in SGE.

  • Provide Unique and Valuable Information:

Focus on creating content that provides unique and valuable information. SGE aims to offer insightful responses, so offering content that stands out for its quality and depth can be beneficial.

Remember that the SEO landscape is dynamic, and adapting to new technologies like SGE involves ongoing monitoring, learning, and adjustment. Stay informed about updates and industry insights to refine your strategies as needed.

Google’s SGE: Personalization and Ads

Since its introduction, questions have arisen about whether SGE introduces biases based on personal data, similar to standard Google Search. However, Google asserts that, at present, SGE operates without ads and history-based personalization.

Key points from official statements include:

  • SGE results do not incorporate personalization when generating snippets.
  • The context of a user’s queries within a search session is considered to facilitate conversational flow.
  • Historical searches of a user do not influence the content of snippets.
  • Ads are not currently integrated into SGE responses, although plans for monetization are in progress.
  • If AI is manually triggered, ads may appear above or below snippets.
  • Sponsored links appear for the same keywords in the traditional non-SGE “classic” search.

Google asserts that SGE is focused solely on individual queries, with no broader tracking or profiles impacting results. As the feature evolves, native ads may be gradually introduced. Nevertheless, Google emphasizes that the initial rollouts prioritize providing impartial and context-based responses.

Website Types That Could Benefit from the SGE

While it’s still early to predict how Google’s Search Generative Experience will affect SEO, here are some potential impacts on different businesses:

  • Local Businesses:

Could see more traffic from AI snippets, especially if they have positive local reviews and knowledge panels.

  • E-commerce Retailers:

Proficient with product feeds and structured data, these retailers might get more traffic from featured product listings in AI snippets. Good user reviews will be necessary.

  • Informational Sites (Blogs):

Might lose traffic for specific queries if AI snippets provide direct answers. However, links in the snippets could still bring in some traffic.

  • Product Pages for Major Brands:

Could experience a drop in traffic if AI snippets take over some of their roles.

  • Big Manufacturers:

May lose traffic to retailers selling their products, as AI seems to favor them over official brand sites in product listings.


In summary, Google’s Search Generative Experience (SGE) is paving the way for a new era in search engines. With the infusion of AI, mainly through SGE, we’re looking at a more personalized and engaging search experience.

Even though SGE is still in beta testing, its potential to revolutionize Google’s search results is evident. The move from traditional links to a dynamic and context-rich format hints at a future where direct answers are readily available on the search results page.

In this ever-changing digital landscape, Google’s generative AI shapes how we access information online. Whether contextualizing search results or incorporating conversational AI, the future of search is on the horizon, and Google’s SGE is leading the way in this transformative journey.

