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How HTTPS SEO could boost your website’s ranking

If you are operating your business on a digital platform, it is very crucial to note that one of the key factors that can significantly impact a website’s ranking on search results is the implementation of HTTPS SEO. HTTPS is no longer optional for websites. It’s a foundational element for building user trust, improving SEO rankings, and creating a secure online environment.

Understanding HTTPS

HTTP, or Hypertext Transfer Protocol, is the basis of data communication on the World Wide Web, facilitating the exchange of information between a web browser and a server.

An extended version of HTTP is HTTPS, which stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure. HTTPS is safer than the standard HTTP protocol because it encrypts data exchanged between a user’s browser and a website. HTTP Secure (HTTPS) ensures the safety and integrity of data exchange over a network and is governed by protocols such as Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).

Put simply, the process of using HTTPS versus HTTP is like sending a letter in a regular envelope (HTTP) versus sending it in a sealed and secure envelope (HTTPS). When you visit a website using HTTP, your data is sent in plain text, which can be intercepted by hackers. However, with HTTPS, your data is encrypted, making it much more secure. For example, when you shop online and enter your credit card information, using HTTPS ensures that your information is protected.

If you are still unsure about the difference between HTTPS and HTTP, let’s take a look at the summary below.

Key Differences between-http and https

Clearly, we can see that for many reasons, using HTTPS is the top pick for ensuring secure online communication. By encrypting the data transferred between a user’s browser and the website, HTTPS provides a strong shield against potential cyber threats and enhances credibility with website visitors by showing a padlock icon in the browser’s bar to represent a safe connection.

Adopting HTTPS not only protects sensitive information but also enhances trustworthiness and dependability, making it a crucial component in today’s digital world for upholding a professional image.

If your company is looking for a professional SEO service for HTTPS SEO implementation, please do not hesitate to contact our expert team at Influence, a top marketing firm in Cambodia dedicated to empowering you to excel and unlock limitless opportunities in the digital realm. With extensive expertise, we have established ourselves as a reliable ally for major corporations in Cambodia, Vietnam, China and beyond. 

Influence provides one-stop SEO marketing solutions to help you boost your website’s visibility and reach target audiences with our expertly crafted strategies. With a focus on quality content, backlink building, and the implementation of technical SEO frameworks, we guarantee results that will surpass your expectations. 

Stay ahead of the competition and enhance your online presence with our superior HTTPS SEO services. Let Influence elevate your online marketing initiatives!

Why is HTTPS important for SEO

Why is https important for seo

Ensuring website security is now more than just a technical issue; it is a fundamental aspect of a site’s effectiveness and its relationships with users. This is where HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) steps in, playing a key role in website security and playing a vital role in search engine optimization (SEO).

Since 2014, Google has acknowledged HTTPS as a ranking signal in its search algorithm. Initially deemed a “lightweight” signal impacting less than 1% of worldwide queries, the importance of HTTPS has also increased. Websites that implement HTTPS encryption are now prioritized in Google’s rankings, underscoring the company’s dedication to enhancing user security.

Below are a few crucial factors demonstrating the significance of using HTTPS for SEO.

  • Data security: Utilizing HTTPS ensures the encryption of data transmission, safeguarding sensitive information such as login credentials and personal details from unauthorized access.
  • Cyber threat protection: To escalate cyber threats, HTTPS offers a secure channel that significantly mitigates the risk of data breaches and identity theft.
  • SEO rankings: HTTPS serves as a recognized ranking factor that can positively influence a website’s positioning in search results, enhancing visibility and attracting more traffic.
  • User trust: The presence of a secure connection symbolized by the padlock icon in the browser address bar fosters user trust, ultimately enhancing user engagement and reducing bounce rates, which can indirectly benefit SEO performance.
  • Regulatory compliance: Adherence to HTTPS protocol assists websites in meeting data protection regulations, a crucial factor as privacy laws are increasingly tightened by governments around the world.

The significance of HTTPS in SEO should not be underestimated. As the digital landscape progresses, HTTPS will remain a crucial element not only for website security but also for achieving SEO objectives.

How to implement HTTPS SEO

How to implement https seo

The following guide provides a thorough overview of the steps to implement HTTPS for SEO:

Firstly, it is essential to acquire an SSL/TLS certificate that meets your specific requirements. An SSL/TLS certificate is a digital certificate that validates the legitimacy of a website and facilitates secure communication between a user’s web browser and the site’s server. This certificate should be purchased from a reputable source to ensure trust and reliability, which includes companies like Let’s Encrypt, Comodo, Symantec, GoDaddy, and DigiCert.

After obtaining the SSL/TLS certificate, the next step is to carefully follow the guidelines provided by the certificate authority to install and configure it correctly on your web server. It is crucial to ensure that the certificate covers all relevant domains and subdomains to guarantee comprehensive security.

In order to fully transition to HTTPS, it is necessary to update all internal links, resources, and XML sitemaps to reflect the secure protocol. Additionally, reaching out to external websites that link to your site and requesting them to update their links to HTTPS is vital for maintaining a secure connection.

Implementing 301 redirects from HTTP URLs to their HTTPS equivalents is also very crucial for preserving SEO rankings and ensuring a seamless user experience. By setting up these permanent redirects, you can effectively guide both users and search engines to the secure version of your website.

Continual monitoring of your website for mixed content issues, cybersecurity threats, and performance metrics is essential for maintaining a secure environment. It is also important to stay informed about updates to the SSL/TLS protocols and renew your certificate as needed to comply with security standards and ensure the ongoing protection of your website.

HTTPS validation

Validating each HTTPS website is imperative to ensure secure and seamless data transmission, which we will focus on SSL certificates, types, and the role of domains in this validation process.

SSL certificates, or Secure Sockets Layer certificates, serve as critical indicators of website security. Issued by Certificate Authorities (CAs) and typically renewed every one to two years, SSL certificates guarantee quality assurance in data encryption and authentication.

There are three major types of SSL certificates as follows:

  • Single-domain SSL certificates: specific to one domain only and do not cover any subdomains.
  • Wildcard SSL certificates: cover a single domain and all its subdomains, allowing for a broader range of security under one certificate.
  • Multi-domain SSL certificates (MDC): list multiple distinct domains, even if they are not subdomains of each other, on a single certificate.

Moreover, SSL certificates can be categorized based on the level of validation performed by CAs: 

  • Domain Validation (DV) certificates

These certificates validate only domain ownership, making them suitable for personal websites or blogs due to their quick and straightforward validation process.

  • Organization Validation (OV) certificates

These certificates undergo a more thorough validation process, verifying both domain ownership and the organization’s legitimacy. They are ideal for business websites aiming to establish credibility and trust with their users.

  • Extended Validation (EV) certificates

Offering the highest level of validation, EV certificates require comprehensive verification of the organization’s legal existence and identity. Websites with EV certificates prominently display the organization’s name in the browser’s address bar, signaling a high level of trust and security to users.

Additionally, other SSL certificate variants include Wildcard SSL certs & SANS. Wildcard SSL Certificates secure main domain and subdomains cost-effectively, while Subject Alternative Names (SAN) certificates protect multiple domain names with one SSL certificate, ideal for businesses with many online properties or services.

Here, we could see that HTTPS validation through SSL certificates is essential for ensuring secure and trustworthy online experiences. Understanding SSL cert types & their role in web security certainly helps businesses protect their assets & gain user trust.

Top-notch HTTPS SEO strategies

Keyword research and targeting

Researching keywords is a vital aspect of an SEO strategy. It entails pinpointing the common terms and phrases users search for online. By prioritizing relevant keywords and incorporating them in the context naturally, you can achieve many SEO benefits including the increase of website’s visibility and organic traffic, that ultimately improve your search engine rankings. 

Content creation and optimization

Achieving user engagement and enhancing SEO primarily rely on producing top-notch, informative content. Crafting valuable content tailored for search engines can effectively elevate user interaction and enhance the visibility of your website in search engine results.

On-page optimization

On-page optimization involves optimizing elements on your website, such as meta descriptions, title tags, and image alt text. By ensuring that these elements are optimized for search engines, you can enhance your website’s visibility and ranking in search results. Learn more about on-page optimization.

Technical SEO

Technical SEO is the integration process of technical elements of your website, such as improving website speed and ensuring mobile compatibility. Implementing HTTPS can positively impact various technical SEO factors, ultimately boosting the overall performance of your website.

Link building

Acquiring backlinks from trustworthy websites is an essential part of link building. By establishing a robust network of backlinks, you can enhance your website’s credibility and authority in the eyes of search engines. You might also interest to learn more about how to build backlinks. 

In conclusion

Utilizing effective HTTPS SEO tactics can greatly enhance the visibility and online presence of your website. By prioritizing security, user experience, and adhering to SEO best practices, you can develop a well-optimized and secure website that attracts organic traffic and effectively engages users.


What are the potential drawbacks or challenges of transitioning to HTTPS?

Transitioning to HTTPS is a crucial step in enhancing website security, but it comes with potential drawbacks and challenges to consider. One challenge is the initial cost and time investment as older systems or outdated browsers may not fully support HTTPS, causing compatibility issues. Website speed may also be affected as HTTPS can lead to slower loading times.

It’s important to carefully weigh these challenges against the significant security benefits of transitioning to HTTPS and have a thorough transition plan in place to efficiently address any potential drawbacks.

Is HTTPS implementation a one-time cost or an ongoing expense for improving SEO ranking?

Implementing HTTPS is indeed not a one-time expense but rather an ongoing investment with significant benefits for SEO. The initial setup may require costs such as obtaining an SSL certificate and making necessary technical adjustments for migration. However, maintenance expenses like regular certificate updates, security protocol monitoring, and content security maintenance are essential for sustaining the advantages of HTTPS. Learn more about SEO Service Pricing

Are there any SEO penalties for websites that still use HTTP instead of HTTPS?

Yes, websites may face SEO penalties for maintaining HTTP instead of HTTPS, as website security plays a crucial role in search engine rankings. Search engines give preference to secure websites to guarantee a secure browsing experience for users and failure to transition may result in lower rankings, reduced visibility, and potential damage to credibility. Consequently, it is imperative for websites to switch to HTTPS to prevent SEO penalties and uphold a solid online presence.

Sreytoch BRAK
Sreytoch BRAK