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How much do Instagram Ads cost and how to optimize your budget?

Facebook and Instagram ads are managed through the same system – Ads Manager, but they don’t cost the same. Facebook has been around longer and has more data and places to show ads, so it’s usually cheaper. Instagram, on the other hand, is often a bit pricier because it has fewer places to show ads and more competition for those spots.

Despite the potential for slightly higher costs, don’t let this dissuade you from experimenting with Instagram ads. They might offer superior results compared to Facebook ads. Let’s delve into understanding the cost of Instagram ads and maximizing your budget effectively.

How do Instagram ads work?

Instagram ads can include up to 18 different call-to-action buttons, allowing users to link to your website, download apps, or shop online, depending on what you want to achieve with your campaign.

Interestingly, you don’t need an Instagram account to advertise there. Since Facebook owns Instagram, having a Facebook Business Page is enough. However, having an Instagram account is helpful for understanding what content resonates with your audience and boosting your organic Instagram marketing.

To set up Instagram ads, you use Facebook’s Ads Manager. Here, you can create campaigns and ad sets where you choose your budget, target audience, ad placements, and optimization preferences. Your ads will then run based on the time frame, budget, audience, and goals you’ve selected, similar to how Facebook ads work.

How much do Instagram ads cost (2024)?

Let’s see how the expenses stack up for different aspects of Instagram advertising.

  • Instagram Cost Per Click (CPC)

For all interactions, the average cost per click on Instagram ranges from $0.40 to $0.70. This includes clicks on links, likes, comments, and shares.

For ads with a website link, the cost per click usually falls between $0.50 and $0.95.

  • Instagram Cost Per Engagement (CPE)

The cost per engagement on Instagram ads typically ranges from $0.01 to $0.05.

  • Instagram Cost Per Thousand Impressions (CPM)

For successful campaigns and their corresponding ad sets, the average cost per one thousand impressions on Instagram ranges from $2.50 to $3.50.

Comparatively, Facebook’s CPMs are nearly twice as high as Instagram’s, while Facebook’s CPCs are usually about half the cost of Instagram’s.

What factors affect Instagram ad cost?

Several factors can influence the costs of running ads on Instagram. Here are some key factors that play a role in determining the expenses associated with Instagram advertising:

  • Bidding.
  • Ad relevancy score.
  • Estimated action rate.
  • Competition.
  • Market industry.
  • Timeframe.

Audience targeting

Instagram ads: audience targeting

One of the benefits of Instagram ads is allow advertisers to target specific age groups and genders. Their profiles significantly impact the ad costs, such as:

  • Location
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Interests
  • Behavior

Drawing from practical experience, it has been observed that ads targeting a younger demographic, such as users in their 20s, might be more cost-effective. This group often exhibits higher engagement levels and responsiveness to ads.

Recognizing these patterns, advertisers can allocate their budgets strategically to optimize the effectiveness of their campaigns.

Ad format

The choice of Instagram ad format plays a role in costs. Video ads, while engaging, may be more expensive due to production costs and potential higher engagement rates. 

Opting for simpler ad formats, such as single-image or single-video ads, can be a cost-effective alternative. These formats might require less production effort, making them more accessible for businesses with limited resources.

Ultimately, deciding on an Instagram marketing service requires a delicate balance between creative engagement, production costs, and strategic goals. Advertisers must carefully evaluate the nature of their content, target audience preferences, and budget considerations to identify the most effective and cost-efficient ad format for their campaigns.

Seasonal trends

Instagram ad costs may vary based on seasonal trends and specific times of the year. High-demand periods, like holidays or special events, can lead to increased competition and higher costs.

Only a limited space is available when many businesses want to show their ads because of special seasons. This heightened competition can drive up the costs of running ads as platforms auction off space to the highest bidders.

Bidding strategy

When you run ads on Instagram, your bidding amount is like saying, “This is the most I’m willing to pay for someone to click on or do something with my ad.”

When businesses start advertising on Instagram, they must decide how much money they will bid. This decision is super important because it determines how well your ads compete with others.

Imagine all businesses in a race, and their bids are like how fast they can run. The faster you bid (higher bid amount), the better your chances of winning.

Instagram’s algorithms play a significant role. They review all the bids and decide which ads to show and when. The higher the bid, the more likely your ad gets picked.

Let’s make it easy with an example. Imagine you have 1,000 dollars to spend on your Instagram ad campaign. Let’s say one click on your ad is worth 1 dollar. That’s your bid – how much you will pay for someone to click on your ad.

So, if you bid 1 dollar for each click, with your 1,000-dollar budget, you can expect your ad to get clicked around 1,000 times during the campaign.

Ad relevancy

This metric assesses how well your ad connects with your intended audience. Every ad posted on Instagram (or Facebook) needs to adhere to the platform’s advertising guidelines.

Instagram aims to display content that matters to its users, whether regular posts or paid advertisements.

As a result, the platform favors ads that demonstrate high relevance. The more your ad aligns with guidelines and strikes a chord with the audience, the lower your bidding cost will be.

Ensuring your ads are well-crafted is crucial. It not only enhances their effectiveness but also leads to significant cost savings.

Industry competition

The competitiveness of your industry or niche matters. Highly competitive sectors may experience increased costs per click or impression, reflecting the demand for audience attention.

Instagram ad costs fluctuate depending on the business field, with Business-to-Business (B2B) companies often facing higher expenses due to the platform’s focus on creative and engaged individuals. Conversely, Business-to-Customer (B2C) businesses, particularly those dealing with physical products, may find Instagram ads more cost-effective. 

Additionally, industries experiencing fierce competition, such as travel and fashion, tend to have pricier ad placements on the platform.

Ad placement

Instagram ads: Ads placement

Instagram offers various ad placements, including Stories, Feed, Explore, and more. The popularity and competition for specific placements can influence costs. For instance, ads in Instagram Stories may be in high demand, affecting pricing.

Enhance your Instagram marketing service by engaging the expertise of Influence Agency – Cambodia’s premier marketing agency. We specialize in navigating the intricacies of Instagram’s ad placements, ensuring a more effective campaign tailored to specific demands and competition. Contact us today to embark on a robust digital marketing journey.

For inquiries, email us at [email protected] or call us at (+855) 70 294 888.

How do you optimize Instagram ad costs?

Based on the insights above, you now understand the factors influencing whether Instagram ad costs are higher or lower. Let’s explore how Influence can guide you in optimizing Instagram ad costs.

Check out what competitors are doing.

Keep an eye on what other businesses similar to your client are doing on Instagram through Market research and analyst solutions. Look at their ads – the pictures and messages they use, who they’re targeting, and how they do it. This can give you some great ideas!

Use what you learn to make your client’s brand stand out. Adjust their campaigns based on what works well for others. Doing this could give you a real advantage in handling the cost and success of your Instagram ads.

This approach helps you learn from what’s working (and what’s not) for others to make smarter choices for your client.

Keep a close eye on important numbers.

Make it a habit to look at key metrics when managing Instagram ads regularly. Pay attention to numbers like click-through rate (CTR), cost per conversion, and return on ad spend (ROAS). These metrics give you a straightforward view of how well your campaign is doing.

By analyzing this data, you can spot campaigns or ads that aren’t performing as expected. Armed with this information, you can make smart decisions to improve their performance. It’s a bit like having a compass for your campaign – always pointing you in the right direction for optimization.

Precision audience targeting.

To enhance cost-effectiveness, refine your audience targeting. Delve into demographics, interests, and behaviors to pinpoint the most responsive audience for your ads. You can improve relevance and reduce costs by narrowing down your target audience.

Identify different groups of your ideal customers, known as “personas,” and create custom Instagram ad visuals for each group. This means designing visuals that specifically resonate with the preferences and interests of each persona, making your ads more engaging and relevant to diverse audience segments.

Make your ads and landing page look great!

As emphasized earlier, the ad relevancy score reduces your Instagram ad costs. 

Ensure that your images and videos are visually appealing and tailored to engage and interact with your specific audience—the more relevant and creative your content, the greater the likelihood of reduced costs.

Consider incorporating videos instead of photos to potentially decrease your Instagram ad expenses, as users on the platform tend to engage more with video content.

Pay attention to your Call To Action (CTA) button – make it visible and compelling for a seamless interaction with your target audience. Keep the accompanying text concise, preferably limited to 1 to 3 words.

Leverage all available data.

If you’re just starting with Instagram ads and lack sufficient data, opt for the “automatic bidding” option. This choice empowers the platform’s algorithm to gather essential information for future campaigns.

As your data pool grows, consider transitioning to manual bidding. While it demands additional effort, the hands-on approach often yields long-term benefits.

Remember, given Facebook’s ownership of Instagram, don’t overlook the synergy. Utilize Facebook data, such as insights from the Facebook pixel, to enhance the effectiveness of your Instagram ads.

Conduct A/B testing.

Avoid limiting your performance optimization by delivering the same ad visual to all audiences in a campaign. Instead, introduce variety by running a campaign with two different ads targeting the same audience. This approach allows you to assess the performance of each ad variant and select the most effective one.

Regularly monitor Instagram Insights and create multiple ads that differ in a single aspect. As you gather insights, continuously optimize your strategy. A/B testing is not only a recommended but often an essential method for reducing your ad costs on Instagram.

Reconnecting with interested customers.

Reconnecting with high-value audiences can significantly boost the impact of your advertising. When people have shown interest in your products or services, retargeting them is like giving your ads a second chance to make an impression. This personalized approach involves understanding what users have done on your website and tailoring your messages to their interests.

By strategically placing these personalized ads on platforms where your audience spends time, you increase the chances of re-engagement. Regularly checking how well your ads are doing and making minor adjustments based on what works best ensures your strategy stays effective.

This increases the likelihood of people making a purchase and strengthens their connection with your brand. It’s like reminding them of something they liked before, making your ads more memorable and cost-effective.

Trying different places for your ads

Instead of sticking to one location, try putting your ads in different places to see where they perform best. This trial-and-error approach helps you discover the most effective platforms and spaces for reaching your audience.

Each platform has unique strengths on social media, display networks, or other online spaces. By testing different placements, you can identify the ones that resonate most with your target audience. It’s like exploring different neighborhoods to find where your message gets the most attention.

In conclusion

In conclusion, understanding the costs associated with Instagram Ads is crucial for maximizing your marketing budget effectively. By comprehending the various factors that influence ad pricing, such as audience targeting, ad format, and bidding strategies, you can optimize your spending to achieve the best possible results.

Remember to monitor and analyze your campaigns continually, adjusting your approach as needed to ensure you’re getting the most value for your investment. With careful planning and strategic execution, Instagram Ads can be a powerful tool for reaching your target audience and driving meaningful engagement with your brand or business.


Question 1: Is it worth it to run Instagram ads?

Absolutely! Every business, regardless of its size or budget, finds value in advertising on Instagram. Learning how to run Instagram ads and optimize ad cost on this platform requires time, but fear not the Instagram ad pricing – this article will boost your confidence.

Benefiting from one of the highest Returns On Investment (ROI) among ad platforms, Instagram stands out due to its engaged community. Users on Instagram consistently spend more time compared to other social media networks.

Question 2: What are the benefits of running Instagram ads?

Benefits include increased brand awareness, engagement opportunities with a visually-driven audience, the potential for higher conversions, and the ability to showcase products or services creatively.

Learn more about the Instagram ads benefits.

Question 3: What is the difference between Instagram and Facebook ads?

While Facebook owns both platforms, Instagram tends to be more visually oriented and popular among younger demographics. Facebook may be more text-based. Advertisers should consider the platform’s strengths and user demographics when choosing where to run their ads.

Learn more about the differences between Facebook Ads and Instagram Ads.
