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Types of Facebook Ads: what are they different?

Have you ever started advertising on Facebook and felt lost amidst the vast ad options? This can be particularly challenging when you’re looking to enhance your conversions or promote your brand. 

So, which types of Facebook ads should you consider for these distinct goals?

In this article, Influence will simplify the world of Facebook advertising. We’ll break down the differences between various Facebook ad types and provide clear, practical guidance and examples of ads on Facebook to help you make the right choices.

Facebook Advertising: what is it all about?

While Google Ads, one of Facebook Ads’ primary competitors, targets users actively searching for specific products or information using keywords through Google search results and partner websites, Facebook-sponsored ad focuses on users’ interests, demographics, and behaviors within Meta social networks.

In 2012, Facebook acquired Instagram, and since then, they have integrated their advertising platforms. This integration allows advertisers to easily extend their ad campaigns from Facebook to Instagram, reaching a broader audience across both social media platforms.

When you create an ad through Facebook Ads Manager or Facebook Business Manager, you have the option to choose Instagram Ads as a placement for your ad.

Through Facebook Ads, advertisers can target specific demographics, interests, and behaviors of Facebook users, making it a valuable tool for reaching a broad and diverse audience. 

Now that you’ve gained an overview of Facebook ads, let’s delve into the various types of Facebook ads and explore their differences through Facebook advertising examples of each type. 

Exploring Facebook Ad Types: Examples and Differences

Basic Facebook ad formats

Facebook gives advertisers lots of different ad choices, but which ones are common and popular?

In this guide, we’ll concentrate on seven fundamental ad types available on Facebook Ads Services. With these basics, you can design various ad formats to align with your advertising objectives. 

We’ll start by introducing these seven ad types and then explore all the different ads you can make using them.

Facebook Image ads

facebook image ads

Image ads on Facebook represent the most common advertising format, allowing you to create and display ads using a single static image. These ads typically consist of an image, ad text, a headline, and a link or call-to-action button.

You have the flexibility to use boosted posts or create dedicated ads specifically for Facebook image ads. These image ads are direct and efficient in conveying messages, highlighting products, or promoting your business to users in their feeds.

This is why many businesses in the e-commerce industry choose image ads to showcase their products and include a link to the product page.

However, if you need to demonstrate how your product works or display multiple products simultaneously, I think this format might not be the most suitable choice because of the limitation: just a single image.

Here are some Influence Media top tips for the best practice Facebook image ads:

  • Text: Keep text on your image to a minimum, ideally less than 20%. Too much text can distract your audience and make the ad less comfortable for their eyes.
  • Size: Ensure your image adheres to the recommended aspect ratios for Facebook ads. This prevents your post from appearing stretched or being cut off.

Learn more details on image ad specifications

Facebook Video ads

facebook video ads

While image ads consist of static photos or graphics, video ads are more engaging due to their dynamic content, featuring videos or motion graphics. Just like with image ads, you have the option to either use a boosted post that has video or create dedicated video ads in Facebook’s advertising platform.

Video ads, one of Facebook ad text examples, are perfect for demonstrating how products work. For example,  Beauty brands can showcase makeup and skincare products in action, while restaurants can display the process of creating a delectable dish. These demonstrations can be compelling and persuasive for potential customers.

Video ads can easily reach a broad audience, but it’s important to note that they tend to be more costly, more complex, and time-consuming than Facebook text ads. If you aim to convey a simple message, using an image or carousel ad might be a more efficient choice.

It’s worth mentioning that Facebook has specific guidelines and requirements for your video ads, like ad sizes, aspect ratios, and video length. 

Learn more details on video ad specifications to have a good video ad performance.

Facebook Carousel ads

facebook carousel ads

Facebook carousel ads enable advertisers to display several images or videos in a single ad format. Users can swipe or click through the carousel cards to see different content, each having its image, video, text, and link.

This ad format typically allows for a greater number of cards, often extending up to 10 cards. Therefore, this becomes a perfect choice for Industries with a range of products or features that can use carousel ads to highlight them, like E-commerce, Automotive, Real Estate,.etc.

Here are some recommended best practices for Facebook carousel ads:

  • Ensure that each card has high-quality, eye-catching visuals
  • Each card should contribute to the narrative, leading the viewer through a journey
  • Include a strong and clear CTA on each card
  • Prioritize the best-performing ones at the top to grab the audience’s attention.

Facebook Slideshow ads

If you lack video-making experience but feel that static images are too boring and want to capture your readers’ attention with motion and sound, slideshow ads are an ideal choice.

Slideshow ads are a simplified version of the video ads. They involve creating a series of static image that play in a loop, creating a slideshow effect.

Slideshow ads are designed to load quickly, even in low-bandwidth situations, making them a more accessible option for some audiences.

Facebook Story ads

facebook story ads

Facebook Story Ads are a type of advertising format that appears within the Stories feature on Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, or WhatsApp. 

These ads are designed to be short, engaging, and immersive, similar to the Stories content format. Users typically view Stories in a full-screen vertical layout on their mobile devices.

Facebook Story Ads can include a combination of images, videos, text, and interactive elements, such as polls or swipe-up links. They allow advertisers to reach their target audience with visually appealing, brief, and interactive content. 

With Story Ads, you can get creative by trying out video effects, emojis, and even augmented reality to make a strong impact on your audience. This type is great for increasing brand awareness.

 However, remember that Story Ads don’t appear in Facebook feeds. Also, just like regular Stories, Facebook Story Ads only last for 24 hours. This can be a limitation if advertisers are seeking prolonged ad visibility.

Facebook Instant Experience ads

Instant Experience ads, previously known as Canvas ads, are captivating full-screen multimedia advertisements. When you tap on one of these ads, the video expands to take up your whole screen, offering an interactive experience.

With Instant Experience ads, you can do various things like viewing images, watching videos, swiping through product carousels, and even zooming in or out by pinching the screen. You can also tilt your device for unique angles.

A handy feature is that you can use the same images and videos you’ve created for other Facebook ad types and repurpose them for Instant Experiences, making it a versatile advertising option.

Facebook Collection ads

Collection ads, with one tap, allow users to browse through your product lineup effortlessly. This format offers an engaging and visually appealing way to showcase multiple products or items in a single ad. 

With a simple touch, potential customers can smoothly scroll through your collection, view product details, and access your website for further exploration or purchase.

Collection ads are engaging because they provide a visually appealing and seamless shopping experience within the Facebook platform. They are ideal for businesses in e-commerce, fashion, home decor, and other industries where visually showcasing products is important.

So, you can get an overview of the main types of Facebook ads. However, if you intend to run Facebook ads, it doesn’t stop there. You also need to be cautious about Facebook ads policies.

Violating these rules and restrictions, such as using inappropriate images, promoting prohibited content, or breaching political advertising regulations, can lead to your page being reviewed, suspended, or restricted.

For prominent brands, losing your page can be a major problem. To mitigate this risk, you may want to consider partnering with a top digital marketing agency in Cambodia like Influence.

Now, let’s delve into additional ad types that can be created through your Facebook Page and Ads Manager.

Types of Facebook Ads generated via your Facebook Page

Not all Facebook ad types can be generated through a Facebook Page. Here’s a list of the types that you can create.

  • Page Likes ads
  • Website Visitors ads
  • Boosted posts
  • Messenger Ads
  • Event ads
  • Lead ads

Facebook Page Likes ads

Page Likes ads are a type of Facebook advertising aimed at increasing the number of Page likes or followers on your Facebook Page. These ads appear in users’ news feeds, and they include a “Like Page” button that allows users to like your Page directly from the ad.

If you’re a new brand, consider using Page Likes ads to expand your Facebook Page’s audience and boost your follower count. These ads are an excellent choice for brand awareness campaigns.

However, it’s important to note that while Page Likes ads can grow your Page’s audience, they are not direct conversion ads. They aim to build an audience, and the real conversion actions may come later when you run other ad campaigns that target your Page followers. 

Facebook  Website Visitor ads

Website Visitor ads, also known as Website Clicks ads, are designed to drive traffic to your website by encouraging users to click on the ad and visit your site. 

They appear in users’ news feeds or the right column on Facebook and can include a headline, image or video, ad text, and a call-to-action button that links to your website.

Because of that, website Visitor ads are more conversion-oriented than Page Likes ads. They aim to bring users to your website, where you can further engage them and encourage actions like signing up, making a purchase or subscribing.

Facebook Messenger Ads

Messenger Facebook ads are a type of Facebook advertising that appears within the Messenger app, providing businesses with a direct way to engage with users in a conversational and interactive format. 

These ads can be placed in two main locations: Messenger inbox and Messenger Stories.

Messenger Inbox

Users often spend their spare time chatting with friends in the Messenger app. Messenger inbox ads allow businesses to reach users directly in their chat interface. 

By clicking on the ad, users can initiate a conversation with your Facebook Page, opening the door to inquiries, support, or further interactions.

Messenger Stories

Similar to Facebook and Instagram Stories, Messenger Stories allow for immersive full-screen ad experiences within the Stories format. Users can view these ads as part of their Stories feed.

To create Messenger ads, you can leverage creative assets from other Facebook ad types, such as images or videos, and set your targeting and placement preferences to reach specific audiences. 

Messenger ads offer a unique opportunity for businesses to initiate conversations, provide customer support, share product information, and drive specific actions directly within the Messenger app. 

They can be a powerful tool for businesses looking to establish a more personal and immediate connection with their audience.

Types of Facebook Ads generated via Ads Manager

While creating ads directly via your Facebook Page is simpler, using Ads Manager offers more advanced features and customization options, making it the preferred choice for businesses with specific advertising goals, in-depth targeting needs, and a desire for detailed campaign insights.

So, if you want to define your target audience based on demographics, interests, behaviors, and even custom audiences, Ads Manager is the ideal choice for you. 

Here are the main types of Facebook Ads that you can create through Ads Manager

  • Dynamic ads
  • Dynamic creative ads
  • Offer ads
  • Mobile app ads
  • Lead ads (Also can be made through Facebook Page)
  • Event ads (Also can be made through Facebook Page)

Dynamic Ads

Similar to Google remarketing ads, dynamic ads target users based on their past actions (or inactions) on your website with well-timed ads. However, while Google remarketing is shown on the Google search engine and its website partners, dynamic Facebook ads are displayed on Meta.

To set up dynamic ads, all you need to do is install the Facebook Pixel on your website and upload your product catalog to Facebook. 

For a step-by-step guide on using dynamic ads on Facebook, you can learn more in our dynamic ads guide.

Dynamic creative ads

Dynamic Creative in Facebook ads is a feature that enables advertisers to automatically create and deliver personalized ad variations to different audience segments. 

This functionality allows you to test multiple ad components (such as headlines, images, ad text, and calls to action) within a single ad set. 

Facebook’s algorithm then optimizes the ad creative combinations to maximize performance based on the specific preferences and behaviors of the people seeing the ads. 

Dynamic Creative Facebook ads work great when your product appeals to different types of customers. 

For example, if you sell clothes, you can use these ads to show formal outfits to professionals and casual styles to younger folks. It’s like customizing your ads to match what different people like, which makes it more likely they’ll notice and like your products.

Mobile app ads

Mobile app Facebook ads are designed to promote mobile applications. These ads are tailored to encourage users to install and engage with mobile apps directly from their Facebook or Instagram feeds.

When users click on the “Install” call-to-action (CTA) within the ad, the respective App Store will instantly appear for them to initiate the app download process.

Mobile app Facebook ads are a valuable tool for app developers and businesses looking to gain app visibility, acquire new users, and boost app engagement. These ads enable direct user acquisition from the Facebook ecosystem, making them a strategic choice for mobile app promotion.

Offer ads

Offer ads on Facebook allow businesses to create and promote special offers, discounts, or deals to their target audience. These ads are designed to encourage users to redeem the offers online and in physical stores.

Event Ads

Event ads on Facebook help businesses promote events, such as seminars, conferences, webinars, concerts, product launches, and more. 

Event ads enable you to effectively market your Facebook events to your target audience. 

Advertisers have the ability to specify particular demographics, interests, and behaviors, allowing them to connect with individuals who are most inclined to be interested in the event. This precise targeting ensures that your event reaches the right people who are more likely to engage and participate.

Lead Ads

A lead ad is an advertisement paired with an Instant Form, making it easy to collect essential details from potential customers and prospects. This information can be valuable for your business’s future interactions and engagement.

Lead ads are an effective tool for businesses aiming to expand their customer base and gather information from potential leads. They simplify the process of lead generation and provide a user-friendly experience for both advertisers and Facebook users.

In this blog, Influence helped you explore the effectiveness of Facebook Ads as a powerful means to connect with your target audience through various ad types. 

By analyzing the performance of these ads, you can identify which ones deliver the best results at the most cost-effective rates. 


What is the best type of Facebook ad that easily reaches my audience?

The most effective Facebook ads often feature video content. Video content tends to attract higher user engagement compared to other content types on the platform.

What does a Facebook ad cost?

The cost of a Facebook ad varies depending on several factors, including your bid strategy, audience size, ad quality, and competition. Facebook offers flexible pricing options to suit your budget.

Learn more about Facebook ad cost.

How can I see my Facebook ads?

To view your Facebook ads, log into your Facebook Ads Manager account. Here, you can access all your ad campaigns, review their performance, make adjustments, and gather insights. It’s your centralized hub for managing and monitoring your Facebook ad campaigns.

Learn more about how to manage Facebook Ads Manager.
